
c. trainer

A. Satisfactory demonstration of the following behavioral competencies:
1. Complete behavioral competence in all Master Practitioner level skills, ability to do any and all Practitioner and Master Practitioner techniques simultaneously, both overtly and covertly;

2. Demonstrate facility to shift between content and form (i.e. between experience and labeling); 

3. Ability to do (demonstrate behavior) what one is teaching, and to teach
what one is doing — and to label it linguistically  (Model self); 

4. Demonstrationof Presentation and Teaching Skills:

a. Pacing and Leading audience

b. Respect for audience (i.e. at the last, keeping separate your and others’ model of the world, and responding to these congruently; considering and responding ecologically to others’ conscious and unconscious processes),

c. Ability to answer questions (including discerning level and intent of questions, and generating level-appropriate responses),
d. Design of presentation (i.e. at the least, setting opening and closing frames, setting outcomes, chunking and sequencing of information and experience, balancing information – giving and occasions for discovery, facilitating generalization of information and skills across context and time),

e. Design of exercises (i.e. at the least, providing for both overtand covert
learning in each exercise, including previously learned material – forcumulative learning, specifying outcomes of exercises, providing a task for all involved persons insuring behavioral learning, including a future pace),

f. Explanation of exercises (including the ability to explain an exercise behaviorally, without the use of notes or printed aids),
g. Use of deep and shallow metaphor,
h. Utilization of multi-level feedback (i.e., ongoing re-evaluationand  incorporation of overt and covert information from individuals and group),
I. Graceful intervention in groups (i.e. at the least, maintaining rapport, and giving specific sensory  grounded feedback, via questions that directionalize appropriate search to facilitate peoples discovery for themselves, demonstration, or, if necessary,overtly telling them what to do),

j. “Tasking” (creation of a task that presupposes that a person behave in a different way that expands his/her modelof the world),
k. Ability to do demonstrations,

5. Demonstration of personal style and artistry (indicating that person is integrating skills into his/her own behavior),

6. Demonstration of an understanding of the process of NLP Practitioner and Master Practitioner Training.

B. Duration of Training:

1. Minimum of 120 hours of advanced training taught by a certified Master Trainer.

2. A minimum of 15 hours of direct trainer supervision.